First Team Meeting
The Team! |
All I can say is wow! What a power team! All were introduced and then we dug in to the plan.
1. Money distribution: We have a letter from the state department so PO's can begin ASAP (State allotment comes in April and June)
2. Major installation needs were discussed:
a. HVAX Dual Zone Heat Pump will be handled by Pinson Valley High
b. Diesel Generator still has not been determined who or where this will be installed. Either Shades Valley Automotive or it will be sent out to a vendor. We are still investigating this. We also determined this would be the second stop of the bus.
c. Sink will be a portable sink with about a ten gallon capacity that the teachers can handle.
d. Touch Screen TV and electrical will also be handled at Pinson Valley High
e. Counter work space and storage will be handled by Mortimer Jordan High
f. Graphic Wrap design will be done with Jefferson County School of Visual Art.
Discussions were had with Sheila and Lee about specific vendors we needed to purchase materials from. I was tasked with generating that list and getting it out ASAP.
The bus was identified by the transportation department as an 08/09 Blue Bird or Thomas. They are going to pull the seats out in April 2020. I will be able to go and decide which seat to leave behind and take photos of the deconstruction of the inside. The build out plan is in the works. Again step one, Ketona- seat pull out. Step two- identify who will be doing Generator. Hoping to get that established over the summer so when school starts back it can run straight to Pinson Valley to begin electrical then HVAC. Bus will be declared surplus and given over to the fine arts department which means insurance and gas cards will come through us. Andy Bailey (my husband) and Dennis Harris (Andy's direct report) both were extremely helpful with the flow of the meeting as they build out all the Dream Center Expression Trucks for Church of the Highlands. The transportation department did tell us we would not be bound by the same inspections as the other buses that transport students which was good news. However our first big discussion that wasn't considered in the original grant was ADA compliance and wheelchair access. We discussed several options with the final discussion lending to having a lift built by the rear emergency exit door due to its size. This is an added expense we didn't expect but one that is necessary so all our students can experience the bus.
Fun and interesting bus facts:
Our bus will have a 100 Gallon Tank!
It is 38 feet long. We are working with our transportation department to get schematics of the interior and exterior of the bus for all our designers.
We are moving forward and have a great deal of work ahead but we have movement and it is very exciting. Stay tuned!
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